Interested in finding out how you can help?
Please reach out to us:
General email:
Brian (President)
There is a current need for Immediate successors in all these roles
(all roles will have existing members to shadow and help with any transition)
WHS President *
VP / Secretary *
Field & Gym Coordinator *
Registrar *
Conflict Resolution Coordinator *
Communications Coordinator *
Offseason Program Coordinator *
* - potential board roles
Jersey Coordinator
Evaluation Coordinators/Admin
Age Category Season Coordinators
2024 Tournament Planning Committee
Interested in these roles?
Reach out to us right now!
WHS President
Current: Brian Antaya (Outgoing... Successor Required)
- Oversees WHSA tasks, roles, operations through the season
- Sets out vision / direction of organization
- Represents WHSA at Calgary Minor Softball (CMS) meetings
- Collaborate with other associations as required
- Communicates with registrants and board members throughout the season
- Coordinates & provides guidance to WHSA Board and Volunteers
- Chairs WHSA monthly meetings
- Oversees evaluation process as well as registration, coach & team selection
- Oversees Player/Coach development programs within WHSA
- Co-Signing Authority for cheques & league bank account
- Signs off on budget & expense allocations
Vice President & Secretary
Current: Jennifer Kirby (Outgoing... Successor Required)
- Fills in, shares, or relieves president in all roles above as required
- Provides additional decision-making support for association
- Assists with special projects as needed
- Co-Signing Authority for cheques & league bank account
- Attends monthly board meetings within WHS
- Prepares agenda and records minutes from monthly Association
Communications Coordinator
Current: Brian Antaya (Outgoing Successor Required)
- Primary contact for WHS questions on scheduling, evaluations, procedures etc.
- Sends out direct email communications to parents/community
- Responds to inquiries or forwards as required at INFO email
- Filters questions to appropriate contacts and help ensure prompt follow up as needed
Director of Evaluations
Current: Rory Brownell
- Oversees the evaluations process over all age groups
- Assigns players to evaluation times
- Assigns evaluators for each age group
- Oversees and provides guidance to Age Group Coordinators
- Responsible for evaluation data entry for accuracy (can delegate entries into system)
- Works with President & Vice President to create teams per Calgary Minor guidelines
Current: Rory Brownell
- Responsible for creating and balancing budget with President
- Report on Revenue/Expense tracking
- Creating, signing, paying cheques as required
- Bank reconcilliation
Field & Gym Coordinator
Current: Nicole Genereux (successor required)
- Responsible for securing/booking diamonds from the City
- Responsible for securing and booking indoor space for off-season programs
- Secures and advises on facility rules and regulations
- Provides permits to all team officials for all locations
- Aids in planning of offseason programs based on gym availability
Current: Rachel Sawyer & Marnie Doig (Successor required)
- Responsible for registration of players within WHS
- Creates and maintains registration forms in TeamSnap
- Provides refunds as required
- Responds to registration questions & requests through 'registration@' email box
- Submits team rosters to Calgary Minor Fastpitch
- Interact with treasurer based on registrations
Timbits Coordinator
Current: Kevin Church
- Liaison with registrar for Timbits registrations
- Schedule teams for spring season; liaison with field coordinator for appropriate fields
- Communication prime with each team
- Provide support to coaches
- Order training books, balls, etc. specialized for LTP
- Develop/grow program with new ideas & development
Equipment & Lockbox Manager
Current: Craig McDowell (future: Ryan Jorden)
- Oversees WHS equipment
- Responsible for assigning and distributing equipment to teams
- Responsible for inventory and ordering of new equipment
- Ensures WHS programs are equipped with the correct gear through the year
- Responsible for field lockboxes, replacing/restocking, taking inventories.
Conflict Resolution Coordinator
Current: Vacant (previous: Shireen Bond)
- Contact for any in-season conflicts for players, parents, coaches, and umpires
- Responds to concerns from WHS coaches & parents
- Updates standard policies for the association
- Interacts with WHS Coaches and Calgary Minor Fastpitch for any conflict issues
- Interacts back with President & VP as required
Interested in these roles?
Reach out to us right now!
Volunteer Bond Coordinator
Current: Jocelyn Lalonde
- Organizes the Volunteer Bond program for WHS
- Oversees additional volunteers associated with the program
- Ensures communication to/from each team regarding volunteers
- Interacts & helps recruit potential parent volunteers
- Provides support to volunteers as necessary
Jersey Coordinator
Current: Cathy Antaya (Outgoing ... successor required)
- Responsible for signing in/out of jersey sets for the season
- Responsible for organizing of damaged jerseys
- Responsible for ordering new jerseys as required
Apparel & Webstore Coordinator
Current: Vacant
- Responsible for WHS team wear in terms of design and orders
- Responsible of sourcing vendors for team wear and additional Association items
- Responsible to work with vendor for Webstore development & products
WHS Tournament Director (& Planning Committee)
Current: Brian Antaya (Planning Committee being developed)
- Organize planning committee meetings
- Defines budget & parameters for tournament
- Determines roles & assigns volunteers
- Determine a GO or NO GO decision
- Others roles to be determined
Development & Training Programs
Current: Vacant (2023: Brian Antaya / Rory Brownell)
- Help design and setup off-season programs including pitching clinics
- Assign coaches or find instructors for off-season training programs
- Assists with off-season training session
- Ensures equipment required for sessions is available
Website Coordinator
Current: Vadim Kazakov
- Responsible for development and design of the WHS website
- Responsible for communications on website (in conjunction with President & VP)
Social Media Coordinator
Current: Erin Siegers (outgoing.. Successor required)
- Responsible for posting content on WHS Facebook & Instagram accounts
- Setup marketing campaigns during registrations
- Interacts with Communications prime & website coordinator to ensure consistency of message
Age Category Chairs
Current: 2024 TBD
(2023 - HS = Jennifer Kirby; U15 = Brian Antaya; U13 = Rory Brownell; U11 = Kevin Church; U9 = n/a)
- 2024 - Requires more active involvement with each of the teams at age category, attending multiple games & practices to build strong interlock with each of the teams
- Aids communication with specific age group parents & coaches
- Prime contact for coaches & team managers
- Communicates with president as needed
- Can visit teams on game days or practices to provide support to coaches & managers as needed
Photo Day Coordinator
Current: Amanda Saigeon
- Responsible for booking photographers and venue for pictures
- Responsible for setting up booking system for teams for pictures
- Works with assistants to organize and run picture day event
- Organizes and arranges pictures for distribution to the team
Interested in these roles?
Reach out to us right now!
Thank you to ALL our volunteers. We could not do it without all of you.
“Play, compete, learn, and have fun!”